Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bicycling to a Wedding

Sometimes it's great to go on a bike ride for no reason at all. But other times it's great to ride for a reason.

Enter Will and Joanna.

My friends, Will and Joanna, got married this last weekend in Leavenworth. The wedding provided "a reason," and so I opted to bike the 248 round-trip miles to and from the wedding. How could I resist when the wedding invitation suggested bicycling as a means of transportation...

Biking is first on the list of transportation options.

Route Beta: Biking Over Stevens Pass

This post provides route beta* for bicyclists who are interested in cycling over Stevens Pass, along Highway 2, in Washington state.

* "Beta" is a term utilized among rock climbers to indicate specific information on how to accomplish a climb or task.

  • The highest point of Stevens Pass is 4,061 ft in elevation.
  • Ascending the pass from the west is steeper, and thus more difficult, than ascending the pass from the east.
  • The elevation profile for the 37 miles from Skykomish, WA
    to the intersection of Highway 2 and WA Route 207.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pure Genius - Expressed in a Bike Rack

Genius is often evidenced by elegant and functional design.

Before going further, I must first confess. [This is the part where I blush.] You see, I have attended yoga class at the Phinney Neighborhood Center many times. But, yesterday was the first time I actually rode my bike to said yoga class. I can go on a 3,000 mile bike ride, but I have a difficult time riding a few miles to the neighboring hood -- how embarrassing!

Anyhow...I suppose the gods were rewarding me for my bravery, as I had the great fortune of experiencing pure genius. In the form of a bike rack.

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Biking Reunion

There is a special bond among cycling tourists. When one cyclist sees another cyclist, they instantly connect with one another. Although the specifics of each cyclist and each journey vary, the cyclists empathize with one another's goals, joys, and hardships.

On Day #37 of my cross-country trip, I crossed paths with three rock-awesome chicks who were also riding cross-country, though from east-to-west. If all we had done was acknowledge each other with a simple wave, that special bond would have been created.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lessons Learned: Portland, OR to Portland, ME

Portland, OR
As mentioned in my pre-trip Lessons Learned post, I'm a fan of post mortems. Not only do they provide closure, but they also allow for continuous improvement by enabling reflection on the things that went well and the things that didn't go so well. Identifying, reviewing, and incorporating learnings from my bike trips helps pave the path for even better tours moving forward.

Portland, ME 
In the spirit of post mortems, here are the learnings from my recent bike trip from Portland, OR to Portland, ME. This will be a "living post," meaning that I will add to the list if additional lessons come to mind.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Addicted to Porn

I have a confession to make...

I am addicted...[sigh]... porn.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Adirondacks & The Drive to Chicago

After my bike trip ended, I met up with my older brother (BJ) and his girlfriend (Lilia) in New York. We spent twelve days together, exploring the Adirondacks and then slowly making the drive to Chicago.

Below are an assortment of photos from the trip. (Lilia requested that her photos not be posted.)

We borrowed a kayak for an overnight camping trip on Jabe Pond.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bike Trip Stats: Portland, OR to Portland, ME

As I am a bit of a data geek, below are the stats for my recent bike trip from Portland, OR to Portland, ME.

Total Miles Travelled by Bicycle: 3012

Total Time in Saddle: 238 hours, 46 minutes
(equal to 9 days, 22 hours, 46 minutes)

Number of Flat Tires: 0